Neles Corporation, Press release on September 3, 2020 at 15.00 EEST. The completion of Metso Corporation's partial demerger was registered on June 30, 2020.In the partial demerger, Metso's Minerals business was transferred to Outotec Oyj and Outotec Oyj's name was changed to Metso Outotec Corporation.At the same time, Metso Corporation's name was changed to Neles Corporation.


Metso Outotec, etablerades den 1 juli 2020. Samtidigt blev Metso Flow Control ett separat listat oberoende företag och startade sin resa under namnet Neles.

Neles Flow Control Malaysia Sdn Bhd Unit 29-01 (A7 South Wing), Level 29, Tower A, Vertical Business Suite, Avenue 3, Bangsar South, No.8, Jalan Kerinchi, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Neles Korea Co. Ltd Metso inriktades därefter dels på maskinutrustning för gruv- och anläggningsindustri, dels på automation som leverantör av processlösningar till kunder inom gruvdrift, bygg och anläggning, samt olje- och gasindustrin. År 2000 såldes skogsmaskintillverkningen under varumärket Timberjack till Deere & Co. Marka Metso / Neles, to globalny dostawca w branży armatury regulacyjnej i odcinającej oraz automatyki przemysłowej. Oferujemy sprzęt i usługi z zakresu zrównoważonego przetwórstwa w przemyśle wydobywczym, , chemicznym, automatyce, sektorze energetycznym, przemyśle papierniczym i drzewnym. Neles Oyj: Arvopaperimarkkinalain 9 luvun 5 ja 6 §:n mukainen ilmoitus: Société Générale SA (SG SA):n omistus Neleksestä; 7.4.2021 klo 17.51 · Nyhetsbyrån Direkt NORDEN: BLANDAD UTV, DANSKE BANK UPP I KÖPENHAMN, VINX30 -0,4%; 6.4.2021 klo 8.00 · Cision Neles Oyj: Neles julkaisee tammi-maaliskuun 2021 osavuosikatsauksen 27.4. Den finländska verkstadskoncernen Metso redovisar ett resultat före skatt på 29 miljoner euro för det tredje kvartalet 2017 (53). Neles (FI) 20 Oct 2017 06:09 / (1.7.2020) Neles on yksi johtavista prosessiteollisuuden kriittisten virtauksensäätöratkaisujen ja -palvelujen toimittajista.

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Metso Abp (1538032-5) fissionerades partiellt 30.6.2020 i det verksamma bolaget Outotec Abp (0828105-4). Aktierna i båda bolagen har listats på Nasdaq Helsingfors börslista. Efter den partiella fissionen ändrades Metso Abp:s namn till Neles Abp och Outotec Abp:s namn till Metso Outotec Abp. Neles började handlas som ett separat bolag i juni 2020 efter en partiell delning av Metso, men verksamheten har en lång meritlista och en historik av mer än 60 års innovation. Transaktionen förväntas resultera i betydande fördelar för bolagens intressenter, inklusive aktieägarvärde för både Neles och Alfa Lavals aktieägare. Metso's share was listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange. The share was previously traded also on the New York Stock Exchange, but the listing there ended on 14 September 2007 and now, in the US, it is exchanged on the over-the-counter (OTC) market.

Page: 1/12. Получите подробную информацию о акциях Neles Oyj (NELES) включая Цену , Графики, Теханализ, Исторические данные, Отчеты и др.

Neles verfügt über ein vielseitiges Portfolio an Industriearmaturen und zählt zu den weltweit führenden Anbietern von Durchflussregelungen für unterschiedlichste Branchen. Wir bedienen Kunden in den Bereichen Öl & Gas, Papier & Zellstoff sowie weitere Prozessindustrien. Einen großen Teil unseres Geschäfts machen Dienstleistungen aus, hierzu betreibt Neles mehr als 40 Service-Center

Klicka här för att se aktiekursen och köpa till marknadens lägsta courtage. Neles Oyj: Determining the acquisition cost of Neles and Metso Outotec shares in Finnish income taxation. Publicerad: 2020-09-03 (Cision) Neles Oyj: Neleksen ja Metso Outotecin osakkeiden hankintamenon määrittäminen Suomen tuloverotuksessa. Publicerad: 2020-09-03 (Cision) Neles (FI) senaste utdelning är 0.2 EUR per aktie, vilket innebär en direktavkastning på 1.7% baserat på de senaste rullande 12 månaderna.

As a demerger consideration, Metso Corporation’s shareholders received 4.3 new shares issued by Outotec Oyj for each Metso Corporation’s share owned by them. As a result of the partial demerger, the original acquisition cost of Metso’s share is allocated between the shares of Metso Outotec and Neles for Finnish income tax purposes.

Neles metso

Neles' Annual Report 2020 has been published Metso Flow Control has become a separately listed independent company called Neles. Neles is a flow control solutions and services provider for oil and gas refining, pulp, paper and the bioproducts industry, chemicals, and other process industries. Neles is a well-known flow control solutions and services provider to the process industries. Neles continuing business of the previously listed Metso company We have stored here 10 years of history of Metso's press releases and stock exchange releases. If you are looking for news about Metso Outotec, click the link. See Metso Outotec news To help you optimize your process performance and reliability, Neles™ approaches each process and application as a specific challenge.

Получите подробную информацию о акциях Neles Oyj (NELES) включая Цену , Графики, Теханализ, Исторические данные, Отчеты и др. Neles Oyj. We are an authorized distributor of Neles / Metso products. The Neles / Metso brand is a global supplier in the field of regulating and shut-off valves as well as  28 May 2020 Neles, which is to become an independent listed company upon the partial demerger of Metso, has announced that it is assuming a new  Metso's updated Neles ND9000 Valve Controller incorporates a range of improvements that enhance its market-leading diagnostics and control performance,  Metso neles nd9103fn intelligent valve controller metso neles type : nd9103fn g1/ 4 input : foundation fieldbus(iec 61158-2,u=9-32 vdc supply pressure : 1.4-8  For over 90 years, the world's major process industries have trusted Neles, Jamesbury &. Mapag valves to perform reliably and last for decades in the harshest  Neles employs about 2,900 people in around 40 countries. Neles was created in the partial demerger of Metso Corporation, and trading in Neles stock started  METSO NELES DIGITAL POSITIONER ND9206HE1. MANUFACTURER: NELES AUTOMATION MODEL:20" 300 RF/REDA20DJJST/B1JRRSU20-70/  1 Jul 2000 Control Engineering - Metso Corp.'s automation and control technology division, Neles Automation, announced June 14 that it's acquiring  Metso will simultaneously spin off its €600 million-a-year flow control division as a separate listed entity – renamed Neles – making it the second large European   17 Feb 2020 Metso's valve business, future Neles Corporation, will establish two new service centers in Lisbon, Portugal, and in the Mulhouse area, France,  13 Jul 2020 “When the decision was taken in the Metso board to put Neles as an industrial flow company on the stock exchange, that was a perfect fit for  About Neles The combination of Metso Minerals and Outotec has been completed and the new company, Metso Outotec, was established on July 1, 2020.
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At the same time, Metso Flow Control became a separately listed independent company and started its journey under the name of Neles. A new brand, for a new era Relied on for over 60 years Now, we're evolving Looking at things in a new light Seeing the bigger picture for our customers A new perspective on reliability To move flow control forward Neles Reinventing reliability To help you optimize your process performance and reliability, Neles™ approaches each process and application as a specific challenge. Our control, on-off and ESD valves, accessories, intelligent devices and software products are engineered to meet these challenges. They provide innovative, fundamentally simple construction, operation and maintenance features to optimize process performance Neles™ Flow control solutions including smart control valves and automated on-off valves, ESD valves, software, and related equipment accessories and services.

STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Det finländska industribolaget Neles bedömer att bolagets försäljning kommer att minska med 10 miljoner euro  Metso Minerals is now Metso Outotec and Metso Flow Control is Neles. Metso Outotec provides minerals processing technologies and Neles focuses on valves.
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Our valves and valve automation technologies are known for quality, reliability and highest safety. Our customers operate oil and gas refining, pulp, paper and bioproducts industry, chemicals and other process industries. Re-born in the partial demerger of Metso on July 1, 2020, Neles is 100% committed in reinventing reliability in flow control.

A new brand, for a new era Relied on for over 60 years Now, we're evolving Looking at things in a new light Seeing the bigger picture for our customers A new perspective on reliability To move flow control forward Neles Reinventing reliability To help you optimize your process performance and reliability, Neles™ approaches each process and application as a specific challenge. Our control, on-off and ESD valves, accessories, intelligent devices and software products are engineered to meet these challenges. They provide innovative, fundamentally simple construction, operation and maintenance features to optimize process performance Neles™ Flow control solutions including smart control valves and automated on-off valves, ESD valves, software, and related equipment accessories and services. Metso Oyj:n jakautuessa osittain 30.6.2020 verovelvollinen on saanut Metso Oyj:n osakkeita vastaan 43 kappaletta Metso Outotec Oyj:n osakkeita. Osittaisjakautumisen jälkeen yhden Neles Oyj:n osakkeen hankintameno on 4,09 euroa (= 34,07 % * 12,00 euroa) ja yhden Metso Outotec Oyj:n osakkeen hankintameno 1,84 euroa (= 65,93 % * 12,00 euroa / 4,3). Neles Field Device Configuration Tool Neles DeviceCare.